
No habrá soporte en catalán en Mac OS X Leopard

El nuevo sistema de Apple volverá a carecer de soporte para catalán, por lo cual los usuarios de estas computadoras han comenzado una campaña, siendo que no pueden ellos mismos modificar el sistema porque no se trata de software libre.

Las revistas especializadas se han hecho eco de esta falta en el soporte de idiomas de Mac OS X hace ya bastante tiempo, e incluso los usuarios han recibido el apoyo de la Generalitat de Cataluña, pero Apple parece no escuchar sus súplicas.

Todos aquellos que quieran protestar por este hecho, informando al presidente de Apple sobre su idioma y pidiéndole que lo incluya en OS X, están invitados a llenar un documento de contacto de Apple con el siguiente e-mail:


‘Dear Mr. Jobs,

It looks like the firm you manage does not intent to translate into catalan language the next update of the operative system MAC OS X Leopard. Are you telling me that after so many years I will not yet be able to work in my own language? What am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to consider buying a PC with GNU+Linux or Windows Vista, which happen to be available in catalan?

If historical facts do not convince you and only commercial interests move you, I will say, now that Apple has announced the spectacular Iphone cell phone, that more and more firms are taking on catalan, like Nokia or Motorola. And your Google neighbors have long ago already done so and now will digitalize around 400.000 text volumes of the most important libraries of our nation, especially in catalan language.

Mr. Jobs, the catalan language is spoken by almost diez milion people, many more than the number of speakers of languages such as swedish, danish, finnish and norwegian. I find impossible to understand why Apple doesn’t translate into catalan the update of your operative system while languages with less speakers do have it. And same thing goes for Ipod and iTunes.

It is time for Apple, a firm which has up to now enjoyed of a high degree of faithfulness by catalan consumers, to be sensible to the needs of one of the most dynamic linguistic communities on the Internet, identified with its own domain (.cat), and finally include catalan in all Apple products. Oh, and the splendid iPhone too, please!


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Más información:

Por Marcos Guglielmetti, el 24/01/2007.

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